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Research Sites:

Quarter 1:  Government & Citizenship








Community: A place where people live, work and play together


Citizens: The people who work and belong to a community


Citizenship: Status of being a citizen of a particular country

Rights: Rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people; 

Freedoms that everyone in the country has


Responsibility: Something that is your job or duty


Government: a group of citizens who run a community


Mayor: The leader  of a town or a city


Council: Group that make decisions for the community


Judges: Leader of the courts; They decide whether someone has broken a law


Laws: A set of rules made by the government


Government Services: Jobs or duties to the community that are provided by the government 


Quarter 2:  Geography & Environment






Map: A picture or drawing that gives information about the Earth or outer space; maps can show roads, landforms, cities, etc. 


Key or legend: Explains the symbols used on a map


Symbols: A picture on a map that represents an object


Compass rose: A symbol that shows the points of a compass, especially which direction is north


Cardinal directions: The four points that show north, south, east and west (usually abbreviated N, S, E, W)


Navigation: The act of steering, directing the course of, or finding a way through


Environment: The area in which a plant or animal lives


Pollution: Putting harmful substances or products into the environment


Natural resources: Something found in nature that is necessary to humans; examples include: forests, fresh water and minerals 


Recycle: To treat or change a product so it can be used again. 


Conservation:  To carefully use or protect a natural resource so it does not run out.


Decompose: To break down a living thing into smaller parts; to rot.


Energy: A source of power; examples include: the sun, water and coal 


Ecosystem: a complex set of relationships among the living resources, habitats, and resident of an area



Quarter 3: 



Quarter 4:  History & Culture

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